Ultimate 100 - Bring Your Own Device | 100GB

$60 / month

Airtime Included

Unlimited calling, texting & data in Canada

Data Included

100 GB shareable data at our fastest available 5G+ speeds & unlimited data at up to 512 Kbps thereafter + Unlimited Wi-Fi at Bell hotspots


Unlimited international texting

Features Included

Call Display, Message Centre, Call Waiting & Conference Calling

Additional Data Usage Rate



Setup Service Fee


911 Emergency Service Access Fee

QC: $0.46/mo., NS: $0.43/mo., AB: $0.95/mo., NB: $0.97/mo., SK: $1.88/mo., PE: $0.70/mo., NL: $0.75/mo., NWT: $1.70/mo.

Early Cancellation Fee


Available on a no term option or if you bring your own device.
¹ Including participating McDonald's®, Tim Hortons®, Indigo® and Chapters® locations.
*Reduced speeds beyond data cap for light web browsing, email and texting


Includes a $10/mo. Autopay credit